bd-fontbd-font: A ZX-Spectrum inspired 8x8px font summarylogtree
bdlBad Diode's Lisp. Experiments with interpreters, compilers and VMs summarylogtree
gba-dev-toolsA collection of tools for GBA development summarylogtree
gba-experimentsInitial experiments with GBA programming, mostly following along the TONC tutori...summarylogtree
gba-link-cable-testerA simple program to test link cable pins on the GBA summarylogtree
gba-renderersOptimized renderers for the GBA. summarylogtree
launchpad-polymakerA custom firmware for the Launchpad Pro that turns it into a polyphony generator...13 monthssummarylogtree
micMicro Interactive C Framework summarylogtree
mic-opengl-exampleExample of bootstrapping an OpenGL application with MIC summarylogtree
ogl-monotextA simple monospace font text rendering experiment summarylogtree
stepperA toy 16-step sequencer for the Game Boy Advance (GBA) summarylogtree
uxn64A port of the UXN virtual machine for the Nintendo 64 (N64) summarylogtree
uxnfbA Linux port of the UXN virtual machine with zero dependencies. summarylogtree
uxngbaA port of the UXN virtual machine for the GBA. summarylogtree
uxnnstA port of the UXN virtual machine for the Nook Simple Touch e-reader summarylogtree
uxnrpiA bare-metal port of the UXN virtual machine for the Raspberry Pi 3/4 summarylogtree