; String literals "this is a string literal" "" ; empty string literals "make sure ; can be used inside strings without issues" "\tmake sure to parse \"escape chars\" properly\n" "unicode 🥰 glyphs inside strings 😀" ; Integers. 12345 +420 ; ints can be positive -69 ; ... or negative 0b1101 ; we can write in binary form 0xff ; ... or hex (but not octal) 0014515 ; leading zeroes are allowed 1_000_000 ; we support separators 0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff ; ... also on hex 0b1001_1111 ; ... and binary representations ; Reals. 0.123 +3.0 ; reals can be positive -1.3 ; ... or negative 1 2.45e5 ; we can use scientific notation +1.23e+6 ; +/- can be on the number and/or the exponent -3.14e-1 ; the exponents are always integers ; Booleans. true false ; Nil. nil ; Symbols. symbols_support 🥰_💩_symbols