#ifndef BDL_HASHTABLE_H #define BDL_HASHTABLE_H #include "darray.h" #include "objects.h" // Minimum table capacity. #define HT_MIN_CAP 4 #define HT_MIN_SHIFT 2 // Adjust the load factor threshold at which the table will grow on insertion. #define HT_LOAD_THRESHOLD 0.75 typedef struct HashTablePair { Object *key; Object *value; } HashTablePair; typedef struct HashTable { // All available key-value pairs as a dynamic array. HashTablePair *pairs; // This table expects the number of buckets to grow in powers of two. To // speedup the default hashing, we memoize the number of bits equivalent to // that power of 2: // // cap := 1024 = 2 ^ 10, shift_amount := 10 // uint8_t shift_amount; } HashTable; // Use Fibonacci hashing to map a hash to a value in range of the table. static inline uint64_t _fibonacci_hash(uint64_t hash, size_t shift_amount) { return (hash * UINT64_C(11400714819323198485)) >> (64 - shift_amount); } uint64_t ht_hash(const HashTable *table, const Object *key) { uint64_t hash = 0x65d9d65f6a19574f; // printf("HASHING: "); // display(key); // printf("\n"); return 0; } static inline size_t ht_load_factor(const HashTable *table) { return array_size(table->pairs) / array_cap(table->pairs); } HashTable * ht_init(void) { HashTable *table = malloc(sizeof(HashTable)); table->pairs = NULL; array_init(table->pairs, HT_MIN_CAP); // Clear the table ensuring all references point to NULL. for (size_t i = 0; i < array_cap(table->pairs); i++) { table->pairs[i] = (HashTablePair){NULL, NULL}; } table->shift_amount = HT_MIN_SHIFT; return table; } void ht_insert(HashTable *table, const Object *key, const Object *value) { // TODO: Grow if needed. size_t position = ht_hash(table, key); size_t probe_position = position; // Verify the key in that position is free. If not, use linear probing to // find the next free slot. HashTablePair *pairs = table->pairs; while (true) { if (pairs[probe_position].key == NULL) { break; } if (obj_eq(pairs[probe_position].key, key)) { break; } if (probe_position == array_cap(pairs)) { probe_position = 0; } else { probe_position++; } } pairs[probe_position].key = (Object *)key; pairs[probe_position].value = (Object *)value; return; } Object * ht_lookup(const HashTable *table, const Object *key) { size_t position = ht_hash(table, key); size_t probe_position = position; // Verify the key in that position is the same. If not perform linear // probing to find it. HashTablePair *pairs = table->pairs; while (true) { if (pairs[probe_position].key == NULL) { return NULL; } if (obj_eq(pairs[probe_position].key, key)) { break; } if (probe_position == array_cap(pairs)) { probe_position = 0; } else { probe_position++; } } return pairs[probe_position].value; } void ht_debug(HashTable *table) { HashTablePair *pairs = table->pairs; for (size_t i = 0; i < array_cap(pairs); i++) { printf("i: %ld ", i); if (pairs[i].key == NULL) { printf("EMPTY\n"); } else { printf("key: "); display(pairs[i].key); printf(" value: "); display(pairs[i].value); printf("\n"); } } } // // Use Fibonacci hashing to map a hash to a value in range of the table. // static inline // uint64_t _fibonacci_hash(uint64_t hash, size_t shift_amount) { // return (hash * UINT64_C(11400714819323198485)) >> (64 - shift_amount); // } // // Hash a null terminated string using a circular shift + XOR hash function. // static inline // uint64_t _string_hash(const HashStash *table, const char *key) { // uint64_t hash = 0x65d9d65f6a19574f; // while (*key) { // hash ^= (uint64_t)*key++; // hash = (hash << 8) | (hash >> (64 - 8)); // } // return _fibonacci_hash(hash, table->shift_amount); // } // // Return the key as an unsigned integer. // static inline // uint64_t _number_hash(const HashStash *table, const char *key) { // uint64_t hash = 0; // memcpy(&hash, key, table->key_length); // return _fibonacci_hash(hash, table->shift_amount); // } #endif // BDL_HASHTABLE_H