#ifndef BADLIB_H #define BADLIB_H // TODO: // - Add string operations. // - sub // - delete // - Add math operations for vectors and matrices. // - Breakdown this file in the different library parts. // - Sort arrays / linked lists with custom functions? // - Implement binary search for searching into an array: // SearchResult find_array(Array haystack, Array needle). // - Logger functions for hash map and queues. // - Make assert/abort macros dump the file name/line? // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // // Basic types. // _Static_assert(sizeof(double) == 8, "no support for IEEE-754"); _Static_assert(sizeof(float) == 4, "no support for IEEE-754"); typedef uint8_t u8; typedef uint16_t u16; typedef uint32_t u32; typedef uint64_t u64; typedef int8_t s8; typedef int16_t s16; typedef int32_t s32; typedef int64_t s64; typedef float f32; typedef double f64; typedef ptrdiff_t sz; typedef uintptr_t ptrsize; typedef size_t usize; #define KB(N) ((sz)(N)*1024) #define MB(N) ((sz)KB(N) * 1024) #define GB(N) ((sz)MB(N) * 1024) #define TB(N) ((sz)GB(N) * 1024) // Custom assert macro, better for debugging. #ifdef DEBUG #define assert(c) \ while (!(c)) \ __builtin_unreachable() #else #define assert(c) ; #endif // Abort macro without stdlib. #define abort() __builtin_trap() // Utility macros for numeric comparisons. #define MIN(A, B) ((A) <= (B) ? (A) : (B)) #define MAX(A, B) ((A) >= (B) ? (A) : (B)) #define ABS(A) \ (((A) ^ ((A) >> (sizeof(A) * 8 - 1))) - ((A) >> (sizeof(A) * 8 - 1))) #define CLAMP(X, MIN, MAX) ((X) <= (MIN) ? (MIN) : (X) > (MAX) ? (MAX) : (X)) #define LEN(a) (sz)(sizeof(a) / sizeof(*(a))) // Handy defer bacro for scoped operations. #define MACRO_VAR_CONCAT_HELPER(X, Y) X##Y #define MACRO_VAR_CONCAT(X, Y) MACRO_VAR_CONCAT_HELPER(X, Y) #define MACRO_VAR(name) MACRO_VAR_CONCAT(name, __LINE__) #define defer(begin, end) \ for (sz MACRO_VAR(_i_) = (begin, 0); !MACRO_VAR(_i_); \ (MACRO_VAR(_i_) += 1), end) // // Allocators and Arenas. // typedef struct Allocator { void *(*malloc)(sz, void *ctx); void *(*calloc)(sz, void *ctx); void (*free)(void *, void *ctx); void *(*realloc)(void *ptr, sz old_size, sz new_size, void *ctx); void *ctx; } Allocator; typedef struct Arena { u8 *beg; sz size; sz cap; } Arena; #define ARENA_ALIGNMENT 8 void * arena_malloc(sz size, void *ctx) { assert(size > 0); Arena *a = (Arena *)ctx; sz padding = -size & (ARENA_ALIGNMENT - 1); sz available = a->cap - a->size; if (available < 0 || available < size) { abort(); } void *p = a->beg + a->size; a->size += padding + size; return p; } void * arena_calloc(sz size, void *ctx) { void *mem = arena_malloc(size, ctx); return memset(mem, 0, size); } void arena_free(void *ptr, sz size, void *ctx) { // Undo the latest allocation if possible. Arena *a = (Arena *)ctx; sz padding = -size & (ARENA_ALIGNMENT - 1); size += padding; if (ptr == a->beg + a->size - size) { a->size -= size; } } void * arena_realloc(void *ptr, sz old_size, sz new_size, void *ctx) { // This function can avoid copying memory around if we could just extend the // latest allocation, otherwise a new malloc will be performed (keeping the // previous data alive!). Arena *a = (Arena *)ctx; sz old_padding = -old_size & (ARENA_ALIGNMENT - 1); old_size += old_padding; if (ptr == a->beg + a->size - old_size) { sz new_padding = -new_size & (ARENA_ALIGNMENT - 1); new_size += new_padding; a->size += new_size - old_size; return ptr; } u8 *p = arena_malloc(new_size, ctx); memcpy(p, ptr, old_size); return p; } Arena arena_create(sz cap, Allocator allocator) { Arena arena = {0}; arena.beg = allocator.malloc(cap, allocator.ctx); arena.cap = arena.beg ? cap : 0; return arena; } void arena_destroy(Arena *arena, Allocator allocator) { if (arena) { allocator.free(arena->beg, allocator.ctx); } } void arena_reset(Arena *a) { a->size = 0; } // // Arrays, Buffers and Strings. // // A fixed buffer or buffer view, represented as a fat pointer. typedef struct Array { u8 *mem; sz size; } Array; typedef struct SearchResult { // Position on the buffer where a result was found. sz pos; // Size of the matched query. sz matched; // Wether the search was successful or not. bool found; } SearchResult; bool array_eq(Array a, Array b) { return a.size == b.size && !memcmp(a.mem, b.mem, a.size); } SearchResult array_find_next(Array haystack, Array needle) { sz pos = 0; while (haystack.size >= needle.size) { if (*haystack.mem == *needle.mem) { Array candidate = (Array){ .mem = haystack.mem, .size = needle.size, }; if (array_eq(candidate, needle)) { return (SearchResult){ .pos = pos, .matched = needle.size, .found = true, }; } } haystack.mem++; haystack.size--; pos++; } return (SearchResult){.found = false}; } // A growable arena backed buffer. typedef struct Buf { u8 *mem; sz size; sz cap; } Buf; // Reserve a given amount of bytes for a growable buffer. void buf_reserve(Buf *buf, sz size, Arena *a) { assert(buf); buf->mem = arena_realloc(buf->mem, buf->size, size, a); buf->size = 0; buf->cap = size; } // Zero initialize a growable buffer. void buf_zero(Buf *buf, sz size, Arena *a) { buf_reserve(buf, size, a); memset(buf->mem, 0, buf->cap); } // Insert a number of bytes into a growable buffer. void buf_insert(Buf *buf, void *value, sz size, Arena *a) { assert(buf); if (size == 0) { return; } if (!buf->mem) { buf->mem = arena_malloc(size, a); buf->size = size; buf->cap = size; memcpy(buf->mem, value, size); return; } while (buf->cap < buf->size + size) { arena_realloc(buf->mem, buf->cap, buf->cap * 2, a); buf->cap *= 2; } memcpy(buf->mem + buf->size, value, size); buf->size += size; } // Gets a reference to a given position of the buffer. It doesn't copy any // information so bear in mind it could become invalidated if the buffer is // modified. void * buf_ref(Buf *buf, sz pos, sz size) { return buf->mem + pos * size; } // Copies a number of bytes from an indexed position from growable buffer into // the given destination. void buf_get(Buf *buf, void *dst, sz pos, sz size) { memcpy(dst, buf->mem + pos * size, size); } // Pops a number of bytes from a growable buffer into the given destination, // copying the result and reducing the size of the buffer. void buf_pop(Buf *buf, void *dst, sz size) { assert(buf->mem + buf->size - size >= buf->mem); memcpy(dst, buf->mem + buf->size - size, size); buf->size -= size; } // A string or string view. typedef Array Str; // Create a string object from a C literal. #define cstr(s) \ (Str) { \ (u8 *)(s), LEN(s) - 1 \ } // Create a string object from a char* array. #define STR(s) \ (Str){ \ .mem = (u8 *)(s), \ .size = strlen(s), \ }; bool str_eq(Str a, Str b) { return array_eq(a, b); } Str str_split(Str *a, Str split) { assert(a != NULL); Str ret = *a; SearchResult res = array_find_next(*a, split); if (res.found) { ret.size = res.pos; a->mem += res.pos + res.matched; a->size -= res.pos + res.matched; return ret; } *a = (Str){0}; return ret; } // A customizable splitting function. typedef sz(StrSplitFn)(Str s); Str str_split_fn(Str *a, StrSplitFn split_fn) { assert(a != NULL); Str ret = *a; while (a->size > 0) { sz advance = split_fn(*a); if (advance) { ret.size -= a->size; a->size -= advance; a->mem += advance; return ret; } a->size--; a->mem++; } return ret; } // Replaces a single pattern on a string. `from` and `to` have to be of the same // size. void str_replace(Str *a, Str from, Str to) { assert(a != NULL); assert(from.size == to.size); SearchResult res = array_find_next(*a, from); if (res.found) { memcpy(a->mem + res.pos, to.mem, res.matched); return; } } // Same as `str_replace` but applied to all occurences of `from`. void str_replace_all(Str *a, Str from, Str to) { assert(a != NULL); assert(from.size == to.size); Str data = *a; SearchResult res = array_find_next(data, from); while (res.found) { memcpy(data.mem + res.pos, to.mem, res.matched); data.mem += res.pos; data.size -= res.pos; res = array_find_next(data, from); } } bool str_has_prefix(Str str, Str prefix) { if (str.size < prefix.size) { return false; } Str candidate = (Str){ .mem = str.mem, .size = prefix.size, }; return str_eq(candidate, prefix); } bool str_has_suffix(Str str, Str suffix) { if (str.size < suffix.size) { return false; } Str candidate = (Str){ .mem = str.mem + str.size - suffix.size, .size = suffix.size, }; return str_eq(candidate, suffix); } Str str_remove_prefix(Str str, Str prefix) { if (!str_has_prefix(str, prefix)) { return str; } str.mem += prefix.size; str.size -= prefix.size; return str; } Str str_remove_suffix(Str str, Str suffix) { if (!str_has_suffix(str, suffix)) { return str; } str.size -= suffix.size; return str; } // Concat. Str str_concat(Str x, Str y, Arena *a) { Buf buf = {0}; buf_insert(&buf, x.mem, x.size, a); buf_insert(&buf, y.mem, y.size, a); return (Str){ .mem = buf.mem, .size = buf.size, }; } Str str_insert(Str orig, Str value, sz position, Arena *a) { Buf buf = {0}; buf_insert(&buf, orig.mem, position, a); buf_insert(&buf, value.mem, value.size, a); buf_insert(&buf, orig.mem + position, orig.size - position, a); return (Str){ .mem = buf.mem, .size = buf.size, }; } // Str // str_delete(Str orig, Str value, Arena *a) { // Buf buf = {0}; // // TODO: find first location // // TODO: insert orig until that location // // TODO: insert orig after location + value.size // // buf_insert(&buf, orig.mem, position, a); // // buf_insert(&buf, value.mem, value.size, a); // // buf_insert(&buf, orig.mem + position, orig.size - position, a); // return (Str){ // .mem = buf.mem, // .size = buf.size, // }; // } Str str_from_int(sz num, Arena *a) { u8 tmp[64]; u8 *end = tmp + sizeof(tmp); u8 *beg = end; sz t = num > 0 ? num : -num; do { *--beg = '0' + t % 10; } while (t /= 10); if (num < 0) { *--beg = '-'; } sz num_size = end - beg; Str parsed = { .mem = arena_malloc(num_size, a), .size = num_size, }; memcpy(parsed.mem, beg, num_size); return parsed; } Str str_from_hex(u64 num, sz zeroes, Arena *a) { char char_map[] = "0123456789abcdef"; u8 tmp[64]; zeroes = MIN((sz)sizeof(ptrsize) * 2, zeroes); u8 *end = tmp + sizeof(tmp); u8 *beg = end; u64 t = num; do { *--beg = char_map[t % 16]; } while (t /= 16); zeroes -= end - beg; while (zeroes-- > 0) { *--beg = '0'; } sz num_size = end - beg; Str parsed = { .mem = arena_malloc(num_size, a), .size = num_size, }; memcpy(parsed.mem, beg, num_size); return parsed; } Str str_from_bin(sz num, sz zeroes, Arena *a) { char char_map[] = "01"; u8 tmp[64]; zeroes = MIN((sz)sizeof(ptrsize) * 2, zeroes); u8 *end = tmp + sizeof(tmp); u8 *beg = end; sz t = num > 0 ? num : -num; do { *--beg = char_map[t % 2]; } while (t /= 2); zeroes -= end - beg; while (zeroes-- > 0) { *--beg = '0'; } sz num_size = end - beg; Str parsed = { .mem = arena_malloc(num_size, a), .size = num_size, }; memcpy(parsed.mem, beg, num_size); return parsed; } Str str_from_float(f64 num, sz precision, Arena *a) { if (num == 0x7ff0000000000000L) { return cstr("inf"); } if (num == 0xfff0000000000000L) { return cstr("-inf"); } if (num == 0x7ff8000000000000L) { return cstr("nan"); } if (precision == 0) { num += 0.5; sz integral = num; return str_from_int(integral, a); } Str parsed = {0}; sz prec = 1; while (precision > 0) { prec *= 10; precision--; } if (num < 0) { parsed = str_concat(parsed, cstr("-"), a); num = -num; } num += 0.5 / prec; sz integral = num; sz fractional = (num - integral) * prec; parsed = str_concat(parsed, str_from_int(integral, a), a); parsed = str_concat(parsed, cstr("."), a); for (sz i = prec / 10; i > 1; i /= 10) { if (i > fractional) { parsed = str_concat(parsed, cstr("0"), a); } } parsed = str_concat(parsed, str_from_int(fractional, a), a); return parsed; } char str_next(Str *s) { assert(s->mem); if (s->size == 0) { return EOF; } char c = *s->mem++; s->size--; return c; } char str_peek(Str s) { assert(s.mem); if (s.size == 0) { return EOF; } return *s.mem; } sz str_to_int(Str s) { sz num = 0; if (str_has_prefix(s, cstr("0b"))) { // Binary number. s = str_remove_prefix(s, cstr("0b")); while (s.size) { char c = str_next(&s); if (c == '_') { continue; } assert(c == '0' || c == '1'); num = num * 2 + (c - '0'); } } else if (str_has_prefix(s, cstr("0x"))) { // Hex number. s = str_remove_prefix(s, cstr("0x")); while (s.size) { char c = str_next(&s); if (c == '_') { continue; } assert((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')); if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { num = num * 16 + (c - '0'); } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') { num = num * 16 + (c - 'a' + 10); } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') { num = num * 16 + (c - 'A' + 10); } } } else { // Decimal number. char c = str_peek(s); sz neg = 1; if (c == '-') { neg = -1; str_next(&s); } else if (c == '+') { str_next(&s); } // TODO: check if it fits within the s64 range. while (s.size) { char c = str_next(&s); if (c == '_') { continue; } assert(c >= '0' && c <= '9'); num = num * 10 + (c - '0'); } num *= neg; } return num; } u64 str_to_uint(Str s) { u64 num = 0; if (str_has_prefix(s, cstr("0b"))) { // Binary number. s = str_remove_prefix(s, cstr("0b")); while (s.size) { char c = str_next(&s); if (c == '_') { continue; } assert(c == '0' || c == '1'); num = num * 2 + (c - '0'); } } else if (str_has_prefix(s, cstr("0x"))) { // Hex number. s = str_remove_prefix(s, cstr("0x")); while (s.size) { char c = str_next(&s); if (c == '_') { continue; } assert((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')); if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { num = num * 16 + (c - '0'); } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') { num = num * 16 + (c - 'a' + 10); } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') { num = num * 16 + (c - 'A' + 10); } } } else { // Decimal number. char c = str_peek(s); assert(c != '-'); if (c == '+') { str_next(&s); } while (s.size) { char c = str_next(&s); if (c == '_') { continue; } assert(c >= '0' && c <= '9'); num = num * 10 + (c - '0'); } } return num; } f64 str_to_float(Str s) { char c = str_peek(s); f64 neg = 1.0; if (c == '-') { neg = -1.0; str_next(&s); } else if (c == '+') { str_next(&s); } f64 num = 0.0; // Integral part. while (s.size) { char c = str_next(&s); if (c == '_') { continue; } if (c == '.') { break; } assert(c >= '0' && c <= '9'); num = num * 10 + (c - '0'); } // Fractional part. f64 frac = 0; sz frac_digits = 1; bool has_exponent = false; while (s.size) { char c = str_next(&s); if (c == '_') { continue; } if (c == 'e' || c == 'E') { has_exponent = true; break; } assert(c >= '0' && c <= '9'); frac = frac * 10 + (c - '0'); frac_digits *= 10; } num *= neg; num += frac / frac_digits; if (has_exponent) { bool exp_neg = false; char c = str_peek(s); if (c == '-') { exp_neg = true; str_next(&s); } else if (c == '+') { str_next(&s); } sz exponent = 0; while (s.size) { c = str_next(&s); if (c == '_') { continue; } assert(c >= '0' && c <= '9'); exponent = exponent * 10 + (c - '0'); } for (sz i = 0; i < exponent; i++) { if (!exp_neg) { num *= 10; } else { num /= 10; } } } return num; } // // Queue. // typedef struct QueueVal { struct QueueVal *next; void *val; } QueueVal; typedef struct Queue { QueueVal *head; QueueVal *tail; sz size; } Queue; void queue_push(Queue *l, void *val, Arena *a) { assert(l); QueueVal *next = arena_calloc(sizeof(QueueVal), a); next->val = val; if (l->size == 0) { l->head = next; l->tail = next; l->size = 1; return; } QueueVal *cur = l->tail; cur->next = next; l->tail = next; l->size++; } void * queue_peek(Queue *l) { assert(l); if (l->size == 0) { return NULL; } QueueVal *cur = l->head; return cur->val; } void * queue_pop(Queue *l) { assert(l); if (l->size == 0) { return NULL; } QueueVal *cur = l->head; l->head = cur->next; l->size--; return cur->val; } // // Map. // // Specialiced commonly used hash sets/maps as macro definitions. There is no // delete on these ones but are trivial to implement! #define SETDEF(STRUCTNAME, FUNCNAME, KEYTYPE, HASHFUNC, EQFUNC) \ typedef struct STRUCTNAME { \ struct STRUCTNAME *child[4]; \ KEYTYPE key; \ } STRUCTNAME; \ STRUCTNAME *FUNCNAME##_lookup(STRUCTNAME **m, KEYTYPE key) { \ u64 h = HASHFUNC(key); \ while (*m) { \ if (EQFUNC(key, (*m)->key)) { \ return *m; \ } \ h = (h << 2) | (h >> 62); \ m = &(*m)->child[h & 0x3]; \ } \ return NULL; \ } \ STRUCTNAME *FUNCNAME##_insert(STRUCTNAME **m, KEYTYPE key, Arena *a) { \ u64 h = HASHFUNC(key); \ while (*m) { \ if (EQFUNC(key, (*m)->key)) { \ return *m; \ } \ h = (h << 2) | (h >> 62); \ m = &(*m)->child[h & 0x3]; \ } \ *m = arena_calloc(sizeof(STRUCTNAME), a); \ (*m)->key = key; \ return *m; \ } \ typedef Queue STRUCTNAME##Iter; \ STRUCTNAME##Iter FUNCNAME##_iterator(STRUCTNAME *map, Arena *a) { \ STRUCTNAME##Iter it = {0}; \ queue_push(&it, map, a); \ return it; \ } \ STRUCTNAME *FUNCNAME##_next(STRUCTNAME##Iter *it, Arena *a) { \ assert(it); \ assert(a); \ while (it->head) { \ STRUCTNAME *item = (STRUCTNAME *)queue_pop(it); \ if (!item) { \ return NULL; \ } \ for (sz i = 0; i < 4; i++) { \ STRUCTNAME *child = item->child[i]; \ if (child) { \ queue_push(it, child, a); \ } \ } \ return item; \ } \ return NULL; \ } #define MAPDEF(STRUCTNAME, FUNCNAME, KEYTYPE, VALTYPE, HASHFUNC, EQFUNC) \ typedef struct STRUCTNAME { \ struct STRUCTNAME *child[4]; \ KEYTYPE key; \ VALTYPE val; \ } STRUCTNAME; \ STRUCTNAME *FUNCNAME##_insert(STRUCTNAME **m, KEYTYPE key, VALTYPE val, \ Arena *a) { \ u64 h = HASHFUNC(key); \ while (*m) { \ if (EQFUNC(key, (*m)->key)) { \ (*m)->val = val; \ return *m; \ } \ h = (h << 2) | (h >> 62); \ m = &(*m)->child[h & 0x3]; \ } \ *m = arena_calloc(sizeof(STRUCTNAME), a); \ (*m)->key = key; \ (*m)->val = val; \ return *m; \ } \ STRUCTNAME *FUNCNAME##_lookup(STRUCTNAME **m, KEYTYPE key) { \ u64 h = HASHFUNC(key); \ while (*m) { \ if (EQFUNC(key, (*m)->key)) { \ return *m; \ } \ h = (h << 2) | (h >> 62); \ m = &(*m)->child[h & 0x3]; \ } \ return NULL; \ } \ typedef Queue STRUCTNAME##Iter; \ STRUCTNAME##Iter FUNCNAME##_iterator(STRUCTNAME *map, Arena *a) { \ STRUCTNAME##Iter it = {0}; \ queue_push(&it, map, a); \ return it; \ } \ STRUCTNAME *FUNCNAME##_next(STRUCTNAME##Iter *it, Arena *a) { \ assert(it); \ assert(a); \ while (it->head) { \ STRUCTNAME *item = (STRUCTNAME *)queue_pop(it); \ if (!item) { \ return NULL; \ } \ for (sz i = 0; i < 4; i++) { \ STRUCTNAME *child = item->child[i]; \ if (child) { \ queue_push(it, child, a); \ } \ } \ return item; \ } \ return NULL; \ } u64 str_hash(Str s) { u64 h = 0x100; for (sz i = 0; i < s.size; i++) { h ^= s.mem[i]; h *= 1111111111111111111u; } return h; } bool _int_eq(sz a, sz b) { return a == b; } bool _int_hash(sz a) { return a * UINT64_C(11400714819323198485); } // Commonly used map/set types. SETDEF(StrSet, strset, Str, str_hash, str_eq) MAPDEF(StrIntMap, strintmap, Str, sz, str_hash, str_eq) SETDEF(IntSet, intset, sz, _int_hash, _int_eq) MAPDEF(IntStrMap, intstrmap, sz, Str, _int_hash, _int_eq) MAPDEF(IntIntMap, intintmap, sz, sz, _int_hash, _int_eq) // // Dynamic arrays. // typedef struct ArrayHeader { sz size; sz cap; } ArrayHeader; // Header/Size/capacity accessors. #define array_head(ARR) ((ArrayHeader *)((char *)(ARR) - sizeof(ArrayHeader))) #define array_size(ARR) ((ARR) ? array_head(ARR)->size : 0) #define array_cap(ARR) ((ARR) ? array_head(ARR)->cap : 0) // Initialize a dynamic array ARR with N elements. The initialization doesn't // zero out the data, so thread carefully. Use array_zero instead if that's what // you need. #define array_init(ARR, N, ARENA) \ ((ARR) = _array_reserve(N, sizeof(*(ARR)), (ARENA))) #define array_zero(ARR, N, ARENA) \ ((ARR) = _array_reserve_zero(N, sizeof(*(ARR)), (ARENA))) // Push a given element T to the dynamic array ARR. #define array_push(ARR, T, ARENA) \ ((ARR) = _array_maybe_grow((ARR), sizeof(T), (ARENA)), \ (ARR)[array_head(ARR)->size++] = (T)) // Return the last element of the array. Can be used to build stacks. #define array_pop(ARR) \ ((ARR) && array_size(ARR) ? (ARR)[--array_head(ARR)->size] : NULL) // Return the value stored at the OFFSET position from the tail of the array. #define array_peek(ARR, OFFSET) (ARR)[array_head(ARR)->size - 1 - (OFFSET)] // Insert N bytes from the SRC array into the ARR dynamic array. #define array_insert(ARR, SRC, N, ARENA) \ ((ARR) = _array_insert((ARR), (SRC), (N), sizeof(*(ARR)), (ARENA))) // Free the memory from the original allocated position. #define array_free(ARR) ((ARR) ? free(array_head(ARR)), (ARR) = NULL : 0) static inline void * _array_reserve(sz num_elem, sz type_size, Arena *a) { u8 *p = arena_malloc(num_elem * type_size + sizeof(ArrayHeader), a); p += sizeof(ArrayHeader); array_head(p)->size = 0; array_head(p)->cap = num_elem; return p; } static inline void * _array_reserve_zero(sz num_elem, sz type_size, Arena *a) { u8 *p = arena_calloc(num_elem * type_size + sizeof(ArrayHeader), a); p += sizeof(ArrayHeader); array_head(p)->size = 0; array_head(p)->cap = num_elem; return p; } static inline void * _array_maybe_grow(void *arr, sz type_size, Arena *a) { if (!arr) { arr = _array_reserve(0, 0, a); } ArrayHeader *head = array_head(arr); if (head->cap == head->size) { sz prev_size = head->cap * type_size + sizeof(ArrayHeader); if (head->cap == 0) { head->cap++; } else { head->cap *= 2; } sz new_size = head->cap * type_size + sizeof(ArrayHeader); head = (ArrayHeader *)arena_realloc(head, prev_size, new_size, a); } arr = (char *)head + sizeof(ArrayHeader); return arr; } static inline char * _array_insert(char *arr, const char *src, sz n_bytes, sz type_size, Arena *a) { if (!arr) { arr = _array_reserve(0, 0, a); } ArrayHeader *head = array_head(arr); sz new_size = n_bytes + head->size; if (new_size > head->cap * type_size) { sz prev_size = head->cap * type_size + sizeof(ArrayHeader); if (head->cap == 0) { head->cap = 1; } while (new_size >= head->cap * type_size) { head->cap *= 2; } sz new_size = head->cap * type_size + sizeof(ArrayHeader); head = (ArrayHeader *)arena_realloc(head, prev_size, new_size, a); } arr = (char *)head + sizeof(ArrayHeader); memcpy((arr + head->size), src, n_bytes); head->size = new_size; return arr; } // // Math. // typedef union Vec2f { struct { f32 x, y; }; struct { f32 u, v; }; struct { f32 left, right; }; struct { f32 width, height; }; f32 data[2]; } Vec2f; typedef union Vec3f { struct { f32 x, y, z; }; struct { f32 u, v, w; }; struct { f32 r, g, b; }; struct { Vec2f xy; f32 _z; }; struct { f32 _x; Vec2f yz; }; struct { Vec2f uv; f32 _w; }; struct { f32 _u; Vec2f vw; }; f32 data[2]; } Vec3f; typedef union Vec4f { struct { f32 x, y, z, w; }; struct { Vec3f xyz; f32 _w; }; struct { union { Vec3f rgb; struct { f32 r, g, b; }; }; f32 a; }; struct { Vec2f xy; f32 _y0; f32 _z0; }; struct { f32 _x0; Vec2f yz; f32 _z1; }; struct { f32 _x1; f32 _y1; Vec2f zw; }; f32 data[4]; } Vec4f; // // OS/Platform stuff. // typedef enum { FILE_ERR_OK = 0, FILE_ERR_CANT_OPEN, FILE_ERR_READ_ERR, FILE_ERR_EMPTY, FILE_ERR_NUM, } FileErr; Str file_err_str[FILE_ERR_NUM] = { cstr(""), cstr("couldn't open file"), cstr("couldn't read file"), cstr("empty file"), }; typedef struct FileContents { Str path; Array data; FileErr err; } FileContents; FileContents platform_read_file(Str path, Arena *a) { // Transform Str to cstr. Str path_str = str_concat(path, cstr("\0"), a); // Read the entire file into memory. sz file_size = 0; FILE *fp = fopen((char *)path_str.mem, "rb+"); if (!fp) { return (FileContents){ .path = path, .err = FILE_ERR_CANT_OPEN, }; } fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); file_size = ftell(fp); rewind(fp); u8 *memory = arena_malloc(file_size, a); sz read = fread(memory, 1, file_size, fp); fclose(fp); if (read == 0) { return (FileContents){ .path = path, .err = FILE_ERR_EMPTY, }; } return (FileContents){ .path = path, .data = (Array){.mem = memory, .size = file_size}, .err = FILE_ERR_OK, }; } void * platform_calloc(sz size, void *ctx) { (void)ctx; return calloc(1, size); } void * platform_malloc(sz size, void *ctx) { (void)ctx; return malloc(size); } void * platform_realloc(void *ptr, sz old_size, sz new_size, void *ctx) { (void)ctx; (void)old_size; (void)new_size; return realloc(ptr, new_size); } void platform_free(void *ptr, void *ctx) { (void)ctx; free(ptr); } Allocator os_allocator = { .malloc = platform_malloc, .calloc = platform_calloc, .realloc = platform_realloc, .free = platform_free, }; #include #include void platform_sleep(size_t microseconds) { usleep(microseconds); } sz platform_time(void) { struct timespec ts; timespec_get(&ts, TIME_UTC); return ts.tv_sec * 1000000000 + ts.tv_nsec; } // // Custom logger. // // Our custom logging functions for structs and other entities. typedef struct Logger Logger; typedef void(LogFunc)(Logger *l, void *in); typedef struct LogFuncMap { Str name; LogFunc *func; } LogFuncMap; typedef struct Logger { Buf buf; FILE *dest; LogFuncMap *func_map; Arena storage; } Logger; void log_flush(Logger *l) { if (l->buf.size) { fprintf(l->dest, "%.*s", (int)l->buf.size, l->buf.mem); l->buf.size = 0; } } void log_str(Logger *l, Str str) { assert(l); Buf *buf = &l->buf; assert(buf->mem); while (str.size > 0) { sz avail = buf->cap - buf->size; if (avail == 0) { log_flush(l); avail = buf->cap - buf->size; assert(avail > 0); } if (str.size < avail) { buf_insert(&l->buf, str.mem, str.size, &l->storage); str.size = 0; return; } buf_insert(&l->buf, str.mem, avail, &l->storage); str.mem += avail; str.size -= avail; } } void log_byte(Logger *l, u8 b) { assert(l); Buf *buf = &l->buf; assert(buf->mem); sz avail = buf->cap - buf->size; if (avail == 0) { log_flush(l); avail = buf->cap - buf->size; assert(avail > 0); } buf_insert(&l->buf, &b, 1, &l->storage); } void log_int(Logger *l, sz num) { assert(l); Arena scratch = l->storage; log_str(l, str_from_int(num, &scratch)); } void log_hex(Logger *l, sz num, sz zeroes) { assert(l); log_str(l, cstr("0x")); Arena scratch = l->storage; log_str(l, str_from_hex(num, zeroes, &scratch)); } void log_bin(Logger *l, sz num, sz zeroes) { assert(l); log_str(l, cstr("0b")); Arena scratch = l->storage; log_str(l, str_from_bin(num, zeroes, &scratch)); } void log_float(Logger *l, f64 num, sz precision) { assert(l); Arena scratch = l->storage; log_str(l, str_from_float(num, precision, &scratch)); } void log_print(Logger *l, Str format, ...) { assert(l); assert(l->buf.mem); va_list argp; va_start(argp, format); va_start(argp, format); while (format.size) { char c = str_next(&format); if (c == '%') { c = str_next(&format); switch (c) { case '%': { log_byte(l, '%'); } break; case 'd': { // Integer decimal formatting. sz num = va_arg(argp, sz); log_int(l, num); } break; case 'c': { // Integer decimal formatting. u8 num = va_arg(argp, sz); log_byte(l, num); } break; case 'x': { // Hex number formatting. sz num = va_arg(argp, sz); char n = str_peek(format); sz zeroes = 0; if (n == '{') { str_next(&format); SearchResult res = array_find_next(format, cstr("}")); if (res.found) { Str arg = format; arg.size = res.pos; sz inc = res.pos + res.matched; format.mem += inc; format.size -= inc; zeroes = str_to_int(arg); } else { break; } } log_hex(l, num, zeroes); } break; case 'b': { // Binary number formatting. sz num = va_arg(argp, sz); char n = str_peek(format); sz zeroes = 0; if (n == '{') { str_next(&format); SearchResult res = array_find_next(format, cstr("}")); if (res.found) { Str arg = format; arg.size = res.pos; sz inc = res.pos + res.matched; format.mem += inc; format.size -= inc; zeroes = str_to_int(arg); } else { break; } } log_bin(l, num, zeroes); } break; case 'f': { // Floating point formatting. f64 num = va_arg(argp, f64); char n = str_peek(format); sz precision = 4; if (n == '{') { str_next(&format); SearchResult res = array_find_next(format, cstr("}")); if (res.found) { Str arg = format; arg.size = res.pos; sz inc = res.pos + res.matched; format.mem += inc; format.size -= inc; precision = str_to_int(arg); } else { break; } } log_float(l, num, precision); } break; case 's': { // String formatting. Str val = va_arg(argp, Str); log_str(l, val); } break; case '{': { SearchResult res = array_find_next(format, cstr("}")); if (res.found) { Str arg = format; arg.size = res.pos; sz inc = res.pos + res.matched; format.mem += inc; format.size -= inc; void *val = va_arg(argp, void *); for (sz i = 0; i < array_size(l->func_map); i++) { if (str_eq(arg, l->func_map[i].name)) { l->func_map[i].func(l, val); break; } } } } break; } continue; } log_byte(l, c); } log_flush(l); va_end(argp); } void log_func_arena(Logger *l, void *in) { assert(l); Arena *val = in; log_str(l, cstr("Arena{ size: ")); log_int(l, val->size); log_str(l, cstr(" cap: ")); log_int(l, val->cap); log_str(l, cstr(" mem: ")); log_hex(l, (ptrsize)val->beg, 16); log_str(l, cstr(" }")); } void log_func_buf(Logger *l, void *in) { assert(l); Buf *val = in; log_str(l, cstr("Buf{ size: ")); log_int(l, val->size); log_str(l, cstr(" cap: ")); log_int(l, val->cap); log_str(l, cstr(" mem: ")); log_hex(l, (ptrsize)val->mem, 16); log_str(l, cstr(" }")); } void log_func_array(Logger *l, void *in) { assert(l); Array *val = in; log_str(l, cstr("Array{ size: ")); log_int(l, val->size); log_str(l, cstr(" mem: ")); log_hex(l, (ptrsize)val->mem, 16); log_str(l, cstr(" }")); } void log_func_memory(Logger *l, void *in) { assert(l); Array *val = in; for (sz i = 0; i < MIN(64, val->size); i++) { Arena scratch = l->storage; log_str(l, str_from_hex(val->mem[i], 2, &scratch)); if ((i + 1) % 16 == 0) { log_str(l, cstr("\n")); } else { log_str(l, cstr(" ")); } } } #define LOG_BUF_SIZE KB(1) #define LOG_MEM_SIZE KB(2) Logger log_init(sz memsize, FILE *dest, Arena arena) { Logger logger = { .dest = dest, .storage = arena, }; buf_reserve(&logger.buf, memsize, &logger.storage); return logger; } // Default loggers and convenience macros for printing. Logger logger_inf, logger_err; #define _print(format, ...) \ log_print(&logger_inf, (Str){(u8 *)(format), LEN(format) - 1}, __VA_ARGS__) #define _println(format, ...) print(format "\n", __VA_ARGS__) #define print(...) _print(__VA_ARGS__, "") #define println(...) _println(__VA_ARGS__, "") #define _eprint(format, ...) \ log_print(&logger_err, (Str){(u8 *)(format), LEN(format) - 1}, __VA_ARGS__) #define _eprintln(format, ...) eprint(format "\n", __VA_ARGS__) #define eprint(...) _eprint(__VA_ARGS__, "") #define eprintln(...) _eprintln(__VA_ARGS__, "") void log_func_register(Logger *l, LogFuncMap map) { array_push(l->func_map, map, &l->storage); } void log_init_default(void) { // Allocate and initialize loggers. Arena arena_inf = arena_create(LOG_MEM_SIZE, os_allocator); Arena arena_err = arena_create(LOG_MEM_SIZE, os_allocator); logger_inf = log_init(LOG_BUF_SIZE, stdout, arena_inf); logger_err = log_init(LOG_BUF_SIZE, stderr, arena_err); // Register default log_funcs into loggers. array_init(logger_inf.func_map, 16, &logger_inf.storage); array_init(logger_err.func_map, 16, &logger_err.storage); LogFuncMap log_funcs[] = { {cstr("Arena"), log_func_arena}, {cstr("Buf"), log_func_buf}, {cstr("Array"), log_func_array}, {cstr("Mem"), log_func_memory}, }; for (sz i = 0; i < LEN(log_funcs); i++) { log_func_register(&logger_inf, log_funcs[i]); log_func_register(&logger_err, log_funcs[i]); } } #endif // BADLIB_H