# BD-font: A ZX-Spectrum inspired 8x8px font This is a simple 8x8 font inspired by 8-bit computers, and implements the full 0-127 ASCII character range as well as the extended symbols in the ['437' character set][437-char]. The font is available as a 128x128 bmp image (`bd-font-8x8_128x128.bmp`), where the characters are in 8x8 tiles, with 16 columns and 16 rows. Additionally, the [chr][chr] file `bd-font-8x8.chr` is available for loading each character as bitmaps (8 bytes per character). The font can also be embedded in C by copying or including the contents of the `bd-font-8x8.c` file directly to your project. This font is totally free for any kind of usage and dual license under UNLICENSE and MIT, see the `LICENSE.md` for details. Attribution is nice but not necessary, but if you use this font in your projects [I would love to know!][contact] [437-char]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_page_437 [chr]: https://wiki.xxiivv.com/site/chr_format.html [contact]: mailto:bd@badd10de.dev